Goldendoodle puppies handled with love and care, from our home to yours

We live in Greenville, (also known as the Upstate of South Carolina.) Home to Furman University & Clemson University, and a short drive to Atlanta, GA or Charlotte, NC. Our love for goldendoodles started with our family pet, Ginger. We quickly fell in love with this breed, not only for her good looks and low shedding coat, but we think she is the perfect all around family dog. She loves walks in downtown Greenville, trips for frozen yogurt, playing with her best dog neighbors, Sadie and Daisy and chasing her human sisters around the house. She never meets a stranger and is often complimented for her sweet demeanor. Soon after we added our mini goldendoodle Charlie. We often have children of all ages in our home and knew we needed a dog who could be trusted to be gentle & naturally adjust to our busy lifestyle. We chose well, and the dream to raise goldendoodles began.